Finally Launching

Muhammad Dzikra Muzaki

Muhammad Dzikra Muzaki

Head of Design @ Webmakers ID

The day I finally stopped procrastinating.

Yup, after almost a year having the intent of creating this website it finally launched. Honestly from my own prespective, this is just a little side project that I wanted to work on.

I initially had the thought of making this when I took the Web Planning and Programming course on my faculty. It was a neat idea where I wanted to share my own personal thoughts and experiences and also learn how to design a better website, either personally or professionally.

However, I didn't have a clue yet as to what content I should provide on my site. It seems too bland to just put out my name and information just for the world to see. And I haven't had enough experience yet to write a "course" or guide on programming. That kept my intent on building this website on hold until recently...